We live in a digital age with booming technology and innovation. Connecting with another person or business is usually just a click away. So why would you need business cards to remain relevant?

Be Prepared

A business card says that you have thought ahead about your marketing strategy, and you are prepared to connect with potential clients. Having business cards at the ready at all times indicates that you can stay on top of things--just as you would do during business with a client.

Stay Personal

It is true that social media makes it easier than ever to connect to your potential clients. You have ads and emails ready at the click of a button. However, a business card means you took the time to directly invite someone to your business and use your services. It’s personal, direct, and therefore effective.

Make an Impression

Business cards these days don’t just say the name of your brand; they are your brand. If you have a unique business card (like, say, a waterproof and tear-proof card), you are more likely to keep your potential client engaged and curious about what it is you do.

Let Others Market for You

Imagine handing someone your card. “I like the design,” he says. You reply with, “Thank you! It’s also tear-proof and waterproof. Feel free to send it through the washing machine a few times.” More likely than not, your potential client will want to share what a unique card you have with friends or colleagues. This is marketing you did not have to plan.

For a unique, quality business card, shop TerraSlate Paper today. We promise you will make a great impression.

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