
Today, we’re taking a break from our outdoors series and we’re going start talking about the holidays! If you are a retailer or an organization putting on special events for the holidays, now is the busiest time of the year. Not only are you preparing for your sales and events, but you are beginning to market for them!

If you live in a place where the weather gets rainy and snowy for the winter, you know the struggle of keeping your marketing materials out and looking nice. That is where we’d like to help you!

Waterproof Paper for Successful Physical Marketing

TerraSlate offers printing services on their tear and waterproof paper for all your marketing needs, because we know the key to meeting the bottom line is successful marketing. Successful marketing has these three basic elements:

You Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience means knowing who you want to attract to your business or event: Who are you targeting?

You Know What Your Audience Wants

Once you know who your target audience is, now you need to learn what they want and what they are attracted to.

You Give Them What They Want

Now that you know what they want, it’s time to style your marketing for your target audience. Direct your marketing materials to them by the wording that you use, as well as the physical style of the marketing.

Why TerraSlate?

If you have put in the effort to design effective, audience-centric marketing, why print it on flimsy materials? Part of effective physical marketing is longevity and quality: High-quality marketing that lasts through the elements will attract a greater audience.

For your holiday marketing, choose TerraSlate waterproof paper for posters, flyers, and more!

TerraSlate Paper

Water proof paperWater resistant paperWaterproof inkjet paperWaterproof label paperWaterproof printer paperWeatherproof paper