Waterproof Paper: Harnessing The Power of Summer Marketing Materials | TerraSlate Paper

Summer Is Coming: Preparing For Summer-Specific Marketing

Waterproof Paper: Harnessing The Power of Summer Marketing Materials

As the weather starts to warm up, you’re probably noticing a shift in attitude in just about everyone around you. Not only are the temperatures rising, but the sun is also staying out longer. What this means is that more and more people are going to be heading outdoors as soon as the workday is done. When it comes to marketing, you can harness this shift in behavior to call attention to your business in a positive, effective way. Consider these tips to help you better make use of summer-specific marketing.

Make Marketing Materials Visible

Warm, sunny days typically mean that people are going to be spending less time indoors. That means less TV time and fewer hours online — yes, even for well-loved social media sites. If you can’t reach your target audience through digital marketing, consider the alternative: bolster your print marketing for summer. With more people spending time outdoors and on the go, now is the time of year to boost your focus on flyers, posters, billboards, and other physical signage. Consider focusing your efforts around parks, natural areas, and outdoor shopping centers for peak viewing.

Of course, don’t forget the spring showers that bring May flowers. Whatever your print campaign, turn to TerraSlate for waterproof paper, posters, and other paper products that are designed to survive the sun, wind, and rain to keep your marketing materials looking great all season long. Our waterproof paper products are all colorfast and rip-proof, making them great for any outdoor location. Whether you choose a waterproof poster or adhesives, our waterproof paper products also repel grease, as well as most chemicals and solvents so your signage will keep looking great no matter what the environment throws their way.

Focus on Summer-Centric Events

Starting with Mother’s Day and going on through Labor Day, there are an abundance of nation-wide holidays and celebrations throughout the summer. Use any number of those celebrations to create events or sales to bring people to your store. But you probably knew that already. Most consumers have come to expect sales related to major holidays like Independence Day and Memorial Day, so start your marketing push with enough time to catch attention. Most companies will be making similar pushes, so don’t forget to find a way to uniquely market your wares so you can stand out from the crowd. This may mean anything ranging from sales and coupons to handing out flyers or special in-store events around the holiday.

The other big way to reach out to the local economy is through community-sponsored events. Consider doing what you can to join in on any local events, whether that means hosting a booth at a local farmers’ market or sponsoring the local little league team. Maybe you provide snacks for the outdoor movie night, all branded with your logo. Or maybe that means creating fun adhesives to give away as a prize at a local carnival booth. These are all great ways to connect your marketing to the popular events that most people will be joining this summer.

Encourage Engagement

With most people heading outside, it can be difficult to get customers online where they can see your digital marketing endeavors. Get current and potential customers to connect with you online by embracing some common summer habits. Start a contest and encourage everyone to share photos of their summer activities with your social media accounts. The winner could receive products from your store, or maybe summer-appropriate goods and/or services. This is also a great opportunity to connect with other local businesses to put together a fun package as a prize. As much as possible, make your contest rules and prize(s) summer-centric to drive more engagement.

Take Your Store Outside

Think about how idyllic an outdoor patio appears in that romantic movie scene. Whenever possible, taking your wares outdoors is a great way to engage with customers in a way that keeps with the season. Move garment racks outdoors or set up a few tables outside. Your employees will enjoy the chance to get some sun, and it’s a great way to call attention to your business. Just don’t forget to have outdoor-appropriate marketing materials! TerraSlate waterproof paper gives you an easy, cost-effective way to create your own signage, and since our waterproof paper is also rip-proof and colorfast, it can handle whatever the weather decides to throw your way.

Market With Better Materials

The one thing to remember with all of this summer-centric outdoor marketing is the impact the weather can have. No matter what you choose to do to get out and market your business this summer, it’s important to consider how the sun, wind, and moisture will impact your signage. Even if you live somewhere dry, sprinklers and early-morning dew can go a long way toward quickly wrecking your signage. Even the warm summer sun beating down can quickly fade many paper products. Avoid these issues and keep your marketing materials looking fresh all summer long with TerraSlate waterproof paper products.

Everything from our waterproof printer paper to our posters and adhesives are incredibly durable, so anything you make can easily stand up to the vagaries of outdoor use. Better still, our rip-proof, colorfast, waterproof paper products can all be printed on using a standard at-home laser printer! Now, you can make your own outdoor marketing materials easily, and get results that look more professional than poster board and laminated paper.

Learn more and shop our range of waterproof paper products online today!


Tags: water proof paper, water resistant paper, waterproof printer paper, waterproof inkjet paper, waterproof label paper,weatherproof paper

Water proof paperWater resistant paperWaterproof inkjet paperWaterproof label paperWaterproof printer paperWeatherproof paper